16 – 18 December 2020
Zoom Links:
Day 1: Time: Dec 16, 2020 11:00 AM Central Time
Day 2: Time Dec 17, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time
Day 3: Time Dec 18, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time

Course Coordinator: Dr. Raj Kota ([email protected])
About the Course
In this three-day course, the important aspects of writing Abaqus VUMATs for simple materials such as elastic and elastic-plastic materials will be covered. By completing the course, participants will gain knowledge on the basic structure of a VUMAT and how to write a VUMAT for different class of materials.
(a) Basic knowledge of programing language (FORTRAN, C, etc.). FORTRAN will be used for this course.
(b) TAMU HPRC account to run Abaqus and FORTRAN compiler. Please refer course brochure for steps to apply for a HPRC account.
(c) Steps for downloading & installing VPN software: https://servicenow.tamu.edu
(d) Steps for downloading & installing MobaXterm (for a Windows system): Please refer to the course brochure.
If you are following the tutorial from outside TAMU, please connect to the VPN client before opening the MobaXterm software. If you are attending this tutorial from within TAMU, you do not require a VPN but you only require the MobaXterm software.
Tentative Schedule
Day 1: 16 Dec (11am to 1230pm)
- Brief aspects of an Abaqus input deck structure: We will model a simple homogeneous deformation problem (simple tension/compression, simple shear, plane strain tension/compression), generate results and contour plots.
- Structure of VUMAT: component ordering convention in Abaqus, unmodifiable variables, modifiable variables. VUMAT structure, material constant arrays, state variable arrays.
Day 2: 17 Dec (10am to 1130am)
- Writing a VUMAT for an elastic-plastic material: Description of constitutive equations, programing the constitutive relations into a time-integration procedure, running Abaqus simulations for the aforementioned homogeneous deformation problems listed above.
- VUMAT for elastic materials: Reduction of elastic-plastic model to purely elastic response, performing Abaqus simulations for the homogeneous deformation problems from Day 1.
Day 3: 18 Dec (10am to 1130am)
In-class exercise: A brief description and relevant VUMAT modification for elastic-plastically-hardening material response.